N-Card series will take a long time to do this).

The size of SAV file will be adjusted to the real SAVE size.Special save type of Famicom Mini(Classic NES)EEPROM_V122, EEPROM_V124 and undefined type.
If save type is not SRAM, GBA ExpLoader Will patch SRAM automatically. GBA ExpLoader will repair corrupted header of GBA. Patch PSRAM for DS Browser and then soft reset.You can also run NOR in DS menu like a normal GBA cartridge.If your expansion pack has only 128KB SRAM, you cannot run GBA with FLASH 1Mb save.SAV file will be written into SRAM every time you run the GBA, even if you run the same file again and again.Backup SAV data (or run another GBA) first and then exchange the file.You can run GBA from RAM until turning off DS or pulling out your expansion pack.Return to your flashcard's menu if soft reset is supported.You can run a GBA up to 16MByte (16000KB) in PSRAM mode.Patch PSRAM for DS Browser and soft reset (disabled when your pack is 3in1 Expansion Pack).Write a GBA file into PSRAM with SRAM patch.You can select where to save or not to save. If you run a GBA in PSRAM/SDRAM mode, SAV file will be saved next time. You can choose between 3 modes if you use the 3in1 Expansion Pack: Put gbaframe.bmp (24bit or 8bit) into the root, /GBA_SIGN/ or /_system_/ if you want to use GBA frame. Put SAV files into /GBA_SAVE/ (if there are no SAV files, they will be created automatically). Please patch the DLDI on GBA_ExpLoader.NDS (if your flash card supports auto DLDI patch, you need not to do this).Ĭreate /GBA_SAVE/ and /GBA_SIGN/ folder on the root of your SD card (modify GBA_ExpLoader.ini, and you can set other folders).